Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Zii - 8 months 3 weeks (Nov '08)

Oh my, how you've grown!!

You're in your most adventurous mood, exploring the room, picking up (and throwing) random objects.. Now that you're crawling, you don't really like to be carried and always wriggle, attempting to free yourself from the clutches of our worried arms (I wonder whether you're imagining elaborate escape plans, haha)

You now have 2 teeth and signs of sprouting a third (in the same row, in the middle of your lower gum). Your hair is thicker (some say I should shave you bald so you could grow fresh "better" hair, but I don't want to..), and curlier :> You show more of your neck now that you frequently stretch to see lamps, the ceiling fan, and other things above you.

You love getting behind the steering wheel when Papapa warms up the car, and wouldn't get out of the rides in the game center without a fight :p
When I wanted to buy you another stuffed animal (as a sub for poor Pak Buaya whom you throw around every day), you wont even touch the fluffy toys, and your little hands stray to little toy cars & trucks instead. You're much too young for matchbox cars, you'll have to wait another 2 years (and a half, at least, because the box says "over 3y")

Here's your current preferences:
  • Food: anything others are eating :p
  • Toy: your Monster Jr. mini trike (although you're still actually too young for it), Pak Buaya (your little trusty stuffed crocodile), si MonMon (stuffed monkey), rubber duckies, spoons, tins, anything you can make noise with.
  • "Words": papa, apa, wah, wawa, buah (no actual words, just babbling really)