Monday, April 1, 2013

Konsultasi dengan Prof. Karmel -- Hamil dengan Pengentalan Darah

Daftar 2 minggu yg lalu akhirnya dpt hari Senin no. antrian 57.. Sampai di RS PGI Cikini rada disorientasi karena nggak banyak petunjuk dan RSnya penuuuh.. kemudian ketemu loket pendaftaran pasien baru dan daftar pk.18:45.. Biasa lah, isi form, dikasih kartu pasien terus disuruh langsung ke lanai 3 (naik setengah lantai gtu) tepatnya di ruang 302. Tanya ke suster di ruang praktek Prof. Karmel masih antrean 30an.. Ya suwlah makan dulu..tapi buru-buru soale takut ketinggalan dipanggil (btw, mi rebus Jawa di resto Sere Manis seberang RS enak juga, hehe ..etapi pas makan ada bapak-bapak ngerokok di dalam resto ber-AC itu..bikin ilfil). Tapi balik 19:45 juga masih no.48..

Tunggu punya tunggu, dipanggil ke dalam pk.20:40, duduk di depan suster admin beberapa saat, kemudian dipanggil untuk cek tensi di ruang periksa sebelahnya. Ditensi (120/80, rather high for me), terus tunggu sekitar 5 menitan dokternya muncul.
Periksa perut ("hamil berapa bulan?" 7bln kurang seminggu.. "Tapi pertumbuhan bayinya bagus kan?" Iya) dan belakang leher ("sering pusing ya?" He-eh), disuruh miring dan periksa punggung ("sini nggak sakit?" Nggak.. "Hmm, harus tes darah.." Ooo..). Terus pindah deh ke ruang konsultasi dokter di seberangnya.
Kita tanya, sebulan minum Ascardia kok malah naik, dijawab siapa tahu itu justru menekan, justru akan lebih tinggi kalau tidak minum, makanya tunggu tes darah dulu.
Kita tanya, apa ada pantangan makan/minum, dijawab belum ada, tunggu tes darah dulu.
Kita sodorin hasil tes darah bulan Januari, Februari dan Maret dari Hermina, cuma dilihat sekilas dan dikomentari "yaah, tes darah Hermina suka nggak akurat, harus tes darah dulu.."
Wes, pokoke intinya tes darah ajelahh..

Keluar ruang periksa pk.20:50, dikasih pengantar tes darah (yaah, tapi sudah jam sgini lab sudah tutup, harus kembali lagi besok..), sama suster admin dilengkapi dengan resi buat bayar sesi konsultasi dokter (175rb).
Turun ke lantai 2 dan ngantri di kasir..setelah akhirnya tiba giliran gw, dibilang harus ganti nota di konter sebelah dulu..ish, sebel.. Dan setelah ganti nota, antri lagilah..pfiuhh..
Kok..rada berasa percuma gitu yak ke sana hari ini.. Nggak ada hasil kongkrit dan harus balik lagi pulakk..huffh.. Pk.22:00 dan ini belum sampai rumah.. :((

Tapi..kalau dengan begini semua lancar, si baby bisa lahir sehat tanpa kurang suatu apa, maka akan dengan senang hati ini kuulang setiap hari.

Tumbuh sehat dan kuat ya Nak! Lahirlah dan pukau dunia #halah

#27weeks #profkarmel #RSPGICikini #hematolog #pengentalandarah

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Reflection

For the past few years--especially since I was plunged into the world of constant worries and enormous joy that is motherhood--I've gotten to learn the true value of my time left on earth.

We are but mere mortals, we have to cherish every second, every moment, before we run out of time.

But that being said, five minutes kissing my sleeping child, half an hour spent doing nothing but cuddling with my little one, one hour chatting with my family, two hours building lego(R)s and puzzles with my son, a long weekend spent doing nothing but lounging around the house surrounded with my loved ones... THOSE ARE DEFINITELY NOT WASTED MOMENTS! :o)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Passed the first trimester, yay!

Hi there little one, how're you doing in there?

Can't wait to see you, can't wait to hold you in my arms... but for the time being, can't wait till I can feel you moving inside your cozy little space (which is, by the way, not so little when seen from my perspective, lol).

We're now passing the 12 week mark, and the doc has given me the OK to start eating seafood again in a week or so (big yay!).

The doc said you're looking great, no sign of spina bifida, strong backbone, 2 arms, 2 legs, you even showed us 5 fingers of each hand in the ultrasound! Your big bro was SO excited to be able to see you in the ultrasound. He's calling you Lola, after the cartoon "Charlie and Lola" :)

Can't wait to see you growing bigger and stronger in the next ultrasound! Be healthy and happy always!



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

another little one!

It's been a while since my last post, and my little guy is in kindergarten now (from a semester of playgroup since Jan 2012). We chose a "nature kindy" for him, which is a school with more outdoors activities and field visits than regular classroom lessons. That's great for our active little guy who's not exactly ready for sitting down in a classroom in a serious environ all day.

We've been TTC since the little guy was 2, but 2.5 yrs went by without success..until, last week (30 Oct).

I'd been feeling off for a couple of days and decided to go to the docs, but on a whim tried a preg test in the morning, and got a BIG FAT POSITIVE! Yaaaaaaaaayy! We immediately went to the doc (well, after sending off the little guy to kindy), and the doc confirmed by ultrasound, but advising that it's still too early in the pregnancy to assess the well-being of the foetus, and we'll know more in a month's time.

Since then, for this entire week, I'd gulped down gallons of milk, vitamins, and avoided coffee (sigh..), sushi, and the like.

Hope everything's okay so far, and we'll be expecting our SECOND LITTLE ONE, fingers crossed & prayers dutifully repeated.
So, looks like this blog will be reactivated ;o)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Z the Tenderhearted Boy

EyangMama: Zii, mau ikut jemput Mama ke stasiun kereta?
Zii: Mama sama Papa naik kereta?
EM: nggak, Mama naik kereta sendirian
Z: iya deh Zii mau ikut, kasihan Mama sendirian, Mama takut. Nanti Zii temenin Mama biar nggak takut

Awwww, he's such a sweet boy!

#Z #bigboy #5yo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Big Little Guy is Ready for School

My little guy has been unfailingly correcting me if I were to call him "my baby",insisting he's a little boy now :) And this week, he's upped the game, claiming he's a "big boy now", and "so ready for school". 

Oh how time flies... I miss having a tiny babe in my arms... 

Is it maybe time for the little guy to have a little sister/brother..? ;-)

But back to a closer issue at hand: school!
Can't believe how a subject so important managed to slip out of my mind! 
I have to start surveying good Pre-Ks around the neighborhood, and pronto!

There are a few options: 
  1. Option A: a religious school, respectable, been around for more than a decade. But a little TOO religious for my taste...  
  2. Option B: another religiously affiliated school, respectable, new-ish (well, newer than Option A there), but the Principal is a neighbor who'd offended my Mum, and for that, I want to avoid having to maintain constant relations with the person.
  3. Option C: a secular school, nice, with outdoor classes. But a bit too far, and I don't want to have to use the pricey school bus or drive to-and-fro every day.
  4. Option D: a secular school, within walking distance, near rather busy road, but with ample playground area. 
  5. Option E: a secular, widely known "brand-name" school, within walking distance but rather small, not sure where kids'll play outdoors. 
Viewing my options I think I'm leaning towards Option D.. will enquire tuition fees etc tomorrow morning.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Updates - Jan 2010

Wow, I never could commit myself to diaries and journals..

But, as to my efforts of chronicling my little one's development, here goes:

  • Zii is 23 months old, a month shy of his second birthday. He is now taller and stronger, not to mention heavier.
  • He can tell simple stories, form short 3-4 word sentences, and loves to mimic people's habits and antics (like snoring, sneezing, the way someone laughs, etc), and does it well too! He breaks into hysteric laughter if we do something ordinary but abrupt (like sneezing, try to surprise him, almost slipping/falling down).
  • He likes stacking stuff. Not only blocks, also toys, random things like mineral water cups. And he's quite good for a not-quite-two-year-old ;)
  • He LOVES going out, to the mall, or on a walk, it doesn't matter, he just enjoys going out on mini trips
  • Took him for a swim (hisashiburi ni), and I thought he would jump into the water without delay. But he preferred to sit at the edge of the pool with only his foot in the water, splashing, and it took considerable effort to persuade him to take the plunge. but once he got used to the water, he went crazy with excitement! We had to drag him (okay, not drag, but carried away forcefully) out of the pool because his fingertips were already very wrinkly and it got too cold in the pool.
Well, that's about what happened these past couple of weeks. Will be back for more Zii updates.